Nuclear Cardiology Webinars 22-23 September 2020
Organized by:
Overview: These webinars will provide an overview of latest advances of Nuclear Cardiology and its clinical Value in patients with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
This program will feature Drs Maria Koutelou, Athanassios Dritsas
Moderator: Maria Koutelou, MD, PhD, MSc
1. Clinical value of Nuclear Cardiology in CAD-Advances in pharmacologic stressors
2. Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) in new era.
Overall goal: The overall goal of the educational initiative is to increase the knowledge and awareness of the clinical value of Nuclear Cardiology and to emphasize the new possibilities with the new developments in SPECT in the clinical evaluation of patients with suspicion or documentation of CAD.
Emphasis will be given to advantages of using new pharmacological stress agents in patients unable to exercise for any reason.
Acknowledgement of Commercial Support
This activity is supported by GE Healthcare
Need Statement
Cardiovascular Disease is the leading cause of death and disease burden worldwide
Nuclear Cardiology Perfusion Imaging has been used extensively for the last 45 years to perform noninvasively diagnosis, monitor therapies and predict cardiovascular events.
SPECT increases the diagnostic accuracy of traditional exercise test and can help guide clinical management decision for patients.
Gated MPI can provide information wall motion abnormalities to help detect extensive CAD.
Normal SPECT MPI results are consistently associated with good prognosis and low-risk outcome.
New pharmacologic Stressor Agents -Selective A2A agonists play significant role in assessing CAD in difficult cases
Regadenoson is an ideal selective A2A receptor agonist which produces coronary vasodilation by avoiding activation of adenosine receptors which cause heart block and broncial hyperresponsiveness
New cameras acquire images infraction of the time of conventional systems producing better quality images.
New technology reduces the amount of radiotracers resulting in less radiation exposure to the patient and to Nuclear medicine staff.
Reduction to 1mSv effective dose is possible when low stress-only is performed with CZT camera.
New hyperemic stimuli (single peripheral injection of Regadenoson) it seems to be a reliable index for decision making.
Advances in new systems and stressors continue to expand the role of Nuclear Cardiology for the accurate diagnosis, prognostication and management of patients with known or suspected CAD.